A place for you to belong
Get connected at Anew
Our services are more than an event to attend but a community to be part of. They are open to everyone – for those who believe, those who doubt, and even those who don’t.
We are a diverse and growing community of different cultures, age groups, and lifestyles. We meet together regularly in people’s homes around Newcastle, at local cafes, and even at the beach to encourage each other in our Christian walk and daily lives.
Growth Groups
Belonging to a mid-week Growth Groups is a key part of connecting at church. These small groups meet weekly to encourage one another in the Christian faith by reading the Bible, praying and sharing life together.
We have many different groups meeting all across Newcastle.
We love a noisy church as it means we’re bursting with people! There’s no need to worry if your kids aren’t used to sitting in church, often you’ll hear and see our kids during the service.
We have something for kids each Sunday and during the week.
We have much on offer for youth!
Sunday arvo youth meets most Sundays during term at 3.30pm. It’s for anyone at high-school, and year 6ers are welcome to join in term 4. Twice per term we head out for a big youth social.
Youth@5 runs during 5pm church, for years 7 to 9.
Seniors (yr 11-12) are invited to join a youth/young-adult Growth Group to help the transition into post-school life.
And once each term youth are involved in running our 5pm church service.
We have weekly women’s Growth Groups, running on Tuesday nights and Thursday mornings. The Thursday group includes a creche for young children.
And we also have four Life Women events throughout the year.
All of these are here to help women dig deeper into the Bible, pray together, and build stronger relationships.
Mothers Union meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month, following the 10:30am church service.
As well as a men’s Growth Group, we have a monthly men’s coffee crawl, meeting at a different cafe around the Newcastle region. This is a chance to meet with some of the men from church, get to know one another, and encourage each other in the Christian life. It’s typically on the first Thursday at 10am.
We also have mens events throughout the year to help men renew their strength in Christ.
Ladies Craft Group
Meets fortnightly in the church hall (22 Oxford St, New Lambton) at 10am-12.30pm.
Cost is $10 per visit, which includes materials, tuition, and a lovely morning tea.
Contact beck@anew.org.au or Carol on 4953 8142.