Need Support?

We are here for you!
As a church seeking to live out Christ-transformed lives, we want to love and serve one another as well as our neighbours.
Various provisions of care and support will be needed as people experience physical, social, financial, emotional and spiritual challenges.
For a more detailed understanding of our approach to care, here is our church’s care policy.
Requesting help
Requests for help are dealt with in a confidential manner by our small Care Team. Requests will usually be addressed between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
Please remember our resources are limited and dependent on donations from our church members. Priority will be given to those most vulnerable and needy.
Please fill out the form to request care and someone from our team will be in touch.

Can you help?
There are many opportunities to help those in need in our church community and beyond. These opportunities range from shopping and gardening, to transport and phone calls or offering skills in a particular area or donating money or household items.
Please complete for form below let us know how you can help.
Thank you!
There are many great community resources to help in so many ways. Here is a list of providers with contact details.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue:
Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491
Suicide Call Back Line : 1300 659 467
1800 RESPECT national helpline: 1800 737 732
Daisy App (local services finder):
NSW DV (Domestic Violence) Hotline: 1800 656 463
Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service NSW : 1800 938 227
E-Safety women (support for technology based abuse) :
Kids Helpline :
Family Relationships Advice Line : 1800 050321
Anglicare Family and Domestic Violence Advisor : 0438 826 556 or
Safe Haven Community : 1800 042 836
Anglicare Counselling : 1300 651 728
Community Legal Centres :
Drugs & Alcohol Support : 1300 368 186
Gambling Helpline : 1800 858 858